The Ishpeming Multi-Purpose Senior Center is operated by the Greater Ishpeming Commission on Aging (GICOA) a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation.
We provide services and programs to seniors, 60 years and older who reside in the City of Ishpeming and the Townships of Ishpeming, Tilden, Ely, Champion, Humboldt, Michigamme and Republic.
Special Events-March
Special Events in March:
- March 6th-11am- Library Book Club-You Are Here by David Nicholls
- March 10th-9am-Legal Clinic
- March 10th-1pm-Crazy about Crafts with JoAnn Manty-make up date
- March 12th-4pm-6pm-Intro to Medicare
- March 13th-1pm-Historical Snow Shoe Outing
- March 17th-11am-Shamrock Shake Social
- March 26th-1pm-Indoor Bowling and Karaoke with SAIL
- March 31st-Crazy about Crafts
- March 6th-Baked Potato Bar
- March 13th-Irish Stew
- March 20th-Meatloaf with Mashed Potatoes
- March 27th-Sub Sandwich with chips
Michigamme Meal
- Every Tuesday at 12pm at the Michigamme Township Hall.
Call Nancy 906-869-1557 to sign up.
Humboldt Meal
- March12th-at Humboldt Twp Hall, Call 906-339-2927 to sign up. Participants may bring a dish to pass. Free will donation.
Champion Meal
- March 19th-at 12pm at the Redeemer Lutheran Church. Call 906-485-5527 to sign up.
Republic Meal
- March 27th at River View Heights at 12:00pm. Call 906-485-5527 to sign up.
Diabetes Education
- March 18th-10am-11am
Foot Care Clinics - Call Ish Senior Center to schedule an appt
- Ishpeming Senior Center- March 7th and 14th by appointment
- Republic-at River View Heights Apt. by appointment in April
Blood Pressure Clinic
- March 21st-11am
- Monday - Low Impact Aerobics at 10am
- Wednesday - Strong Bodies at 10am
- Wednesday - Line Dancing at 2pm
- Friday-Chair Yoga-9am-10am or 10:30-11:30
West End:
- Michigamme- MSU Extension of Tai Chi-9am
- Republic -Asahi(Finnish version of Tai Chi) - Mondays at 2pm
- Republic Cards and Games 1:30-3pm
Connected At Home Events:
- March 3rd-11am- Connected at Home- Book Club
- March 5th-1pm-Connected at Home-Protect yourself from Scams
- March 19th-2pm-Connected at Home-Caregiver Support
Class Get Togethers:
- 1956-March 17th at 12pm
- 1967-March 6th at 2pm
- 1973-March 25th at 12pm